What To Look Out For When Buying A New Phone
Smartphones have become a necessity in the modern life, allowing us to communicate, browse the internet, watch videos, and even bank. And when our old phone begins to show signs of decline and we start looking around for something new to buy, it can be incredibly overwhelming to choose a phone due to the sheer variety on the market.
Here we will look at some of the features and specs that a consumer will want to keep in mind as they begin to browse around for a new smartphone.
1. Updates
Both Android and iOS receive large version upgrades roughly once a year, bringing in a host of new features to make the smartphone experience that much more user-friendly and modern. Which is why it’s generally a good idea to aim for phones that have guaranteed long-term updates.
Google’s new range of Pixel devices, for example, will receive updates for many years to come. Companies like Xiaomi and sometimes even Samsung, however, are known for dropping updates to devices, even if they’re relatively new.
2. Storage
As cameras and apps get bigger, it makes sense for a smartphone to have a lot of available storage. But along with the space, the type of storage can also make a big difference. Currently there are two main types of mobile storage: eMMC and UFS.
The former, eMMC, is an almost deprecated type of storage that, while stable, is fairly slow compared to UFS. It’s more than likely that a new phone will have UFS as its main type of storage, but it’s still possible to find cheaper models that ship with eMMC, which can be slower overall, especially after a few years.
3. Toughness
It’s becoming more common for mid-range and flagship devices to ship with an IP rating, which designates what kind of physical extremes the device can endure. IP53 is one of the most common, which means that the phone is both resistant to dust as well as water, although it cannot be submerged.
IP68 tends to be the gold standard, as this is a device that is completely safe from any dust getting in and can be submerged completely in just about any body of water, even if it’s always better to avoid doing that anyway.
4. Screen
The next thing to keep in mind is the kind of screen that the device will have. It can be either be an LCD or an LED, and each comes with its own, unique pros and cons.
AMOLED has become extremely popular in recent years, and while there are some drawbacks to using it, the pros generally outweigh the cons, and it’s great for videos or online betting in Australia. For the consume on a budget, a phone with an LCD screen will generally be cheaper.
5. Extras
Lastly, it’s important to think of the phone usage and what extras it might have. For instance, many modern phones ship without a headphone jack, which might be undesirable to the user. It’s worth taking the time to read the specs of the phone and deciding whether it’ll cover all of the user’s needs.