Is It The Right Time To Buy a Foldable?

Over the last 5 years, there has been a big push for foldable phones. These are devices that have folding touchscreens, mimicking the clamshell phones that were once in everyone’s pockets. The Motorola Razr was one of the first commercial foldable phones to hit the market, but other phone companies have followed suit with their own take on this new kind of technology.

Continue reading “Is It The Right Time To Buy a Foldable?”

Mobile Phone Market – Is An Industry Crash Incoming?

If you don’t own a mobile phone today, you are one of an extreme minority in the human population. There are, very simply put, few tech markets that have boomed so quickly, and so significantly, in recent decades. The technology has progressed at a staggering rate, and a few companies have emerged as the most important brands. Namely, of course; Apple and Samsung.

Continue reading “Mobile Phone Market – Is An Industry Crash Incoming?”

Best Tech Gadgets of 2018

Technology is constantly changing, making our lives easier and simpler.  This article will look at new technology of 2018.

Anker PowerWave Wireless Charger

Wireless chargers are a great innovation and Anker has released its PowerWave charger.  This charger is a great option and supports charging of Android Smartphones and Apple iPhones using a 7.5 watt output standard. Continue reading “Best Tech Gadgets of 2018”

Whatsapp Tips for 2018

What did we do before Whatsapp? We used carrier pigeon, post and…BBM. But Whatsapp revolutionised the messaging world and we have come to take it for granted.

But we can do even more than just message on Whatsapp, there are so many time saving tips to try out that you will have plenty extra time to find some great Australian betting apps to use. Continue reading “Whatsapp Tips for 2018”

Hottest New Mobile Tech From CES 2018

CES showcases some of the latest technologies in the industry, giving us a preview of what’s to come, and a look inside what’s busy being developed as we speak. Of all the tech that appeared at the show, one of the most prominent is mobile technology, which has been the case for the last few years.

Mobile devices continue to be the future, and electronic companies from all over the world have made it their business to bring out the hot new tech, often in the form of prototypes designed to give us glimpse of the upcoming future. Continue reading “Hottest New Mobile Tech From CES 2018”

Smartphones to Watch Out for in 2018

While the new Samsung launch set for the World Mobile Congress in February has dominated much headline space, there is a fantastic field heading into the MWC this year.

While the iPhone X has set the benchmark, the other players in the mobile space have set themselves to topple Apple once again. Continue reading “Smartphones to Watch Out for in 2018”

Things You Didn’t Know About Your Android

Android phones come in many forms and are one of the most popular forms of smartphones in the world. A huge percentage of the planets and Australia’s population own them and use them for everyday tasks such as texting, taking selfies and calling people.

There are a few little hacks that you may not be aware of however which will make owning an Android even more fun. Continue reading “Things You Didn’t Know About Your Android”

Tech Trends 2018

Tech Trends to Watch in 2018

As we come towards the end of the year, a lot of people are looking back on what we saw in 2017 and are thinking about what we can expect for 2018.

Forrester Research, an American-based company that specialises in the impact of technology, released a report in October on the top technology trends for 2018 – 2020.

They broke their predictions into 3 phases: Dawning, Awareness and Acceptance. If we use those to look at what Forrester and other experts are anticipating for the year ahead, it’s easier to see how far along the most exciting emerging technologies are. Continue reading “Tech Trends to Watch in 2018”

Worth the Wait: 2018 Mobile Phone Releases

Worth the Wait: 2018 Mobile Phone Releases

While a new mobile phone will most likely be at the top of many Christmas wish list’s this year, it might be worthwhile to wait a few more months to get your hands one of these new mobile devices releasing during 2018. While there probably aren’t many people super giddy to get their hands on the new Nokia 9, we suspect that there are many excited buyers for the new Samsung Galaxy S9, the Huawei P11, and the LG G7! Which will you choose? Continue reading “Worth the Wait: 2018 Mobile Phone Releases”


Have smartwatches really taken off

The Smartwatch – Still Hot Or Not?

We all know the smartwatch, that little piece of tech that people scrambled to get their hands on when it first hit the markets. No wrist was complete without it, and old style analogue watches receives sneers and smirks from those who were technologically advanced.

But how popular is it now? Has it really taken off or will it go the way that Google predicted most wearable tech will, which is by the wayside? Continue reading “Have smartwatches really taken off”